import store from '@/Store'
import Message from '@/Message';
export default function () {
let initializedPath = false
let componentIdsThatAreWritingToHistoryState = new Set
store.registerHook('component.initialized', component => {
if (! component.effects.path) return
// We are using setTimeout() to make sure all the components on the page have
// loaded before we store anything in the history state (because the position
// of a component on a page matters for generating its state signature).
setTimeout(() => {
let url = onlyChangeThePathAndQueryString(initializedPath ? undefined : component.effects.path)
// Generate faux response.
let response = {
serverMemo: component.serverMemo,
effects: component.effects,
normalizeResponse(response, component)
LivewireStateManager.replaceState(url, response, component)
initializedPath = true
store.registerHook('message.processed', (message, component) => {
// Preventing a circular dependancy.
if (message.replaying) return
let { response } = message
let effects = response.effects || {}
normalizeResponse(response, component)
if ('path' in effects && effects.path !== window.location.href) {
let url = onlyChangeThePathAndQueryString(effects.path)
LivewireStateManager.pushState(url, response, component)
} else {
// If the current component has changed it's state, but hasn't written
// anything new to the URL, we still need to update it's data in the
// history state so that when a back button is hit, it is caught
// up to the most recent known data state.
if (componentIdsThatAreWritingToHistoryState.has(component.id)) {
LivewireStateManager.replaceState(window.location.href, response, component)
window.addEventListener('popstate', event => {
if (LivewireStateManager.missingState(event)) return
LivewireStateManager.replayResponses(event, (response, component) => {
let message = new Message(component, [])
message.replaying = true
function normalizeResponse(response, component) {
// Add ALL properties as "dirty" so that when the back button is pressed,
// they ALL are forced to refresh on the page (even if the HTML didn't change).
response.effects.dirty = Object.keys(response.serverMemo.data)
// Sometimes Livewire doesn't return html from the server to save on bandwidth.
// So we need to set the HTML no matter what.
response.effects.html = component.lastFreshHtml
function onlyChangeThePathAndQueryString(url) {
if (! url) return
let destination = new URL(url)
let afterOrigin = destination.href.replace(destination.origin, '').replace(/\?$/, '')
return window.location.origin + afterOrigin + window.location.hash
store.registerHook('element.updating', (from, to, component) => {
// It looks like the element we are about to update is the root
// element of the component. Let's store this knowledge to
// reference after update in the "element.updated" hook.
if (from.getAttribute('wire:id') === component.id) {
component.lastKnownDomId = component.id
store.registerHook('element.updated', (node, component) => {
// If the element that was just updated was the root DOM element.
if (component.lastKnownDomId) {
// Let's check and see if the wire:id was the thing that changed.
if (node.getAttribute('wire:id') !== component.lastKnownDomId) {
// If so, we need to change this ID globally everwhere it's referenced.
store.changeComponentId(component, node.getAttribute('wire:id'))
// Either way, we'll unset this for the next update.
delete component.lastKnownDomId
// We have to update the component ID because we are replaying responses
// from similar components but with completely different IDs. If didn't
// update the component ID, the checksums would fail.
let LivewireStateManager = {
replaceState(url, response, component) {
this.updateState('replaceState', url, response, component)
pushState(url, response, component) {
this.updateState('pushState', url, response, component)
updateState(method, url, response, component) {
let state = this.currentState()
state.storeResponse(response, component)
let stateArray = state.toStateArray()
// Copy over existing history state if it's an object, so we don't overwrite it.
let fullstateObject = Object.assign(history.state || {}, { livewire: stateArray })
let capitalize = subject => subject.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + subject.slice(1)
store.callHook('before'+capitalize(method), fullstateObject, url, component)
try {
if (decodeURI(url) != 'undefined') {
url = decodeURI(url).replaceAll(' ', '+').replaceAll('\\', '%5C')
history[method](fullstateObject, '', url)
} catch (error) {
// Firefox has a 160kb limit to history state entries.
// If that limit is reached, we'll instead put it in
// sessionStorage and store a reference to it.
if (error.name === 'NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE') {
let key = this.storeInSession(stateArray)
fullstateObject.livewire = key
history[method](fullstateObject, '', url)
replayResponses(event, callback) {
if (! event.state.livewire) return
let state = typeof event.state.livewire === 'string'
? new LivewireState(this.getFromSession(event.state.livewire))
: new LivewireState(event.state.livewire)
currentState() {
if (! history.state) return new LivewireState
if (! history.state.livewire) return new LivewireState
let state = typeof history.state.livewire === 'string'
? new LivewireState(this.getFromSession(history.state.livewire))
: new LivewireState(history.state.livewire)
return state
missingState(event) {
return ! (event.state && event.state.livewire)
clearState() {
// This is to prevent exponentially increasing the size of our state on page refresh.
if (window.history.state) window.history.state.livewire = (new LivewireState).toStateArray();
storeInSession(value) {
let key = 'livewire:'+(new Date).getTime()
let stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value)
this.tryToStoreInSession(key, stringifiedValue)
return key
tryToStoreInSession(key, value) {
// sessionStorage has a max storage limit (usally 5MB).
// If we meet that limit, we'll start removing entries
// (oldest first), until there's enough space to store
// the new one.
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, value)
} catch (error) {
// 22 is Chrome, 1-14 is other browsers.
if (! [22, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14].includes(error.code)) return
let oldestTimestamp = Object.keys(sessionStorage)
.map(key => Number(key.replace('livewire:', '')))
if (! oldestTimestamp) return
this.tryToStoreInSession(key, value)
getFromSession(key) {
let item = sessionStorage.getItem(key)
if (! item) return
return JSON.parse(item)
class LivewireState
constructor(stateArray = []) { this.items = stateArray }
toStateArray() { return this.items }
pushItemInProperOrder(signature, response, component) {
let targetItem = { signature, response }
// First, we'll check if this signature already has an entry, if so, replace it.
let existingIndex = this.items.findIndex(item => item.signature === signature)
if (existingIndex !== -1) return this.items[existingIndex] = targetItem
// If it doesn't already exist, we'll add it, but we MUST first see if any of its
// parents components have entries, and insert it immediately before them.
// This way, when we replay responses, we will always start with the most
// inward components and go outwards.
let closestParentId = store.getClosestParentId(component.id, this.componentIdsWithStoredResponses())
if (! closestParentId) return this.items.unshift(targetItem)
let closestParentIndex = this.items.findIndex(item => {
let { originalComponentId } = this.parseSignature(item.signature)
if (originalComponentId === closestParentId) return true
this.items.splice(closestParentIndex, 0, targetItem);
storeResponse(response, component) {
let signature = this.getComponentNameBasedSignature(component)
this.pushItemInProperOrder(signature, response, component)
replayResponses(callback) {
this.items.forEach(({ signature, response }) => {
let component = this.findComponentBySignature(signature)
if (! component) return
callback(response, component)
// We can't just store component reponses by their id because
// ids change on every refresh, so history state won't have
// a component to apply it's changes to. Instead we must
// generate a unique id based on the components name
// and it's relative position amongst others with
// the same name that are loaded on the page.
getComponentNameBasedSignature(component) {
let componentName = component.fingerprint.name
let sameNamedComponents = store.getComponentsByName(componentName)
let componentIndex = sameNamedComponents.indexOf(component)
return `${component.id}:${componentName}:${componentIndex}`
findComponentBySignature(signature) {
let { componentName, componentIndex } = this.parseSignature(signature)
let sameNamedComponents = store.getComponentsByName(componentName)
// If we found the component in the proper place, return it,
// otherwise return the first one.
return sameNamedComponents[componentIndex] || sameNamedComponents[0] || console.warn(`Livewire: couldn't find component on page: ${componentName}`)
parseSignature(signature) {
let [originalComponentId, componentName, componentIndex] = signature.split(':')
return { originalComponentId, componentName, componentIndex }
componentIdsWithStoredResponses() {
return this.items.map(({ signature }) => {
let { originalComponentId } = this.parseSignature(signature)
return originalComponentId
@LwBee Strong Bypass
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