// From Caleb: I had to change all the "isSameNode"s to "isEqualNode"s and now everything is working great!
 * I pulled in my own version of morphdom, so I could tweak it as needed.
 * Here are the tweaks I've made so far:
 * 1) Changed all the "isSameNode"s to "isEqualNode"s so that morhing doesn't check by reference, only by equality.
 * 2) Automatically filter out any non-"ElementNode"s from the lifecycle hooks.
 * 3) Tagged other changes with "@livewireModification".

'use strict';

import specialElHandlers from './specialElHandlers';
import { compareNodeNames, createElementNS, doc, moveChildren, toElement } from './util';

var TEXT_NODE = 3;

function noop() {}

function defaultGetNodeKey(node) {
    return node.id;

function callHook(hook, ...params) {
    if (hook.name !== 'getNodeKey' && hook.name !== 'onBeforeElUpdated') {
        // console.log(hook.name, ...params)

    // Don't call hook on non-"DOMElement" elements.
    if (typeof params[0].hasAttribute !== 'function') return

    return hook(...params)

export default function morphdomFactory(morphAttrs) {

    return function morphdom(fromNode, toNode, options) {
        if (!options) {
            options = {};

        if (typeof toNode === 'string') {
            if (fromNode.nodeName === '#document' || fromNode.nodeName === 'HTML') {
                var toNodeHtml = toNode;
                toNode = doc.createElement('html');
                toNode.innerHTML = toNodeHtml;
            } else {
                toNode = toElement(toNode);

        var getNodeKey = options.getNodeKey || defaultGetNodeKey;
        var onBeforeNodeAdded = options.onBeforeNodeAdded || noop;
        var onNodeAdded = options.onNodeAdded || noop;
        var onBeforeElUpdated = options.onBeforeElUpdated || noop;
        var onElUpdated = options.onElUpdated || noop;
        var onBeforeNodeDiscarded = options.onBeforeNodeDiscarded || noop;
        var onNodeDiscarded = options.onNodeDiscarded || noop;
        var onBeforeElChildrenUpdated = options.onBeforeElChildrenUpdated || noop;
        var childrenOnly = options.childrenOnly === true;

        // This object is used as a lookup to quickly find all keyed elements in the original DOM tree.
        var fromNodesLookup = Object.create(null);
        var keyedRemovalList = [];

        function addKeyedRemoval(key) {

        function walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes) {
            if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
                var curChild = node.firstChild;
                while (curChild) {

                    var key = undefined;

                    if (skipKeyedNodes && (key = callHook(getNodeKey, curChild))) {
                        // If we are skipping keyed nodes then we add the key
                        // to a list so that it can be handled at the very end.
                    } else {
                        // Only report the node as discarded if it is not keyed. We do this because
                        // at the end we loop through all keyed elements that were unmatched
                        // and then discard them in one final pass.
                        callHook(onNodeDiscarded, curChild);
                        if (curChild.firstChild) {
                            walkDiscardedChildNodes(curChild, skipKeyedNodes);

                    curChild = curChild.nextSibling;

         * Removes a DOM node out of the original DOM
         * @param  {Node} node The node to remove
         * @param  {Node} parentNode The nodes parent
         * @param  {Boolean} skipKeyedNodes If true then elements with keys will be skipped and not discarded.
         * @return {undefined}
        function removeNode(node, parentNode, skipKeyedNodes) {
            if (callHook(onBeforeNodeDiscarded, node) === false) {

            if (parentNode) {

            callHook(onNodeDiscarded, node);
            walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes);

        function indexTree(node) {
            if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
                var curChild = node.firstChild;
                while (curChild) {
                    var key = callHook(getNodeKey, curChild);
                    if (key) {
                        fromNodesLookup[key] = curChild;

                    // Walk recursively

                    curChild = curChild.nextSibling;


        function handleNodeAdded(el) {
            callHook(onNodeAdded, el);

            if (el.skipAddingChildren) {

            var curChild = el.firstChild;
            while (curChild) {
                var nextSibling = curChild.nextSibling;

                var key = callHook(getNodeKey, curChild);
                if (key) {
                    var unmatchedFromEl = fromNodesLookup[key];
                    if (unmatchedFromEl && compareNodeNames(curChild, unmatchedFromEl)) {
                        curChild.parentNode.replaceChild(unmatchedFromEl, curChild);
                        morphEl(unmatchedFromEl, curChild);
                    else {
                else {

                curChild = nextSibling;

        function cleanupFromEl(fromEl, curFromNodeChild, curFromNodeKey) {
            // We have processed all of the "to nodes". If curFromNodeChild is
            // non-null then we still have some from nodes left over that need
            // to be removed
            while (curFromNodeChild) {
                var fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
                if ((curFromNodeKey = callHook(getNodeKey, curFromNodeChild))) {
                    // Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
                    // the actual removal to later
                } else {
                    // NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
                    //       still a chance they will be matched up later
                    removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);
                curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;

        function morphEl(fromEl, toEl, childrenOnly) {
            var toElKey = callHook(getNodeKey, toEl);

            if (toElKey) {
                // If an element with an ID is being morphed then it will be in the final
                // DOM so clear it out of the saved elements collection
                delete fromNodesLookup[toElKey];

            if (!childrenOnly) {
                if (callHook(onBeforeElUpdated, fromEl, toEl) === false) {

                // @livewireModification.
                // I added this check to enable wire:ignore.self to not fire
                // morphAttrs, but not skip updating children as well.
                // A task that's currently impossible with the provided hooks.
                if (! fromEl.skipElUpdatingButStillUpdateChildren) {
                    morphAttrs(fromEl, toEl);

                callHook(onElUpdated, fromEl);

                if (callHook(onBeforeElChildrenUpdated, fromEl, toEl) === false) {

            if (fromEl.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') {
                morphChildren(fromEl, toEl);
            } else {
                if (fromEl.innerHTML != toEl.innerHTML) {
                    // @livewireModification
                    // Only mess with the "value" of textarea if the new dom has something
                    // inside the <textarea></textarea> tag.
                    specialElHandlers.TEXTAREA(fromEl, toEl);

        function morphChildren(fromEl, toEl) {
            var curToNodeChild = toEl.firstChild;
            var curFromNodeChild = fromEl.firstChild;
            var curToNodeKey;
            var curFromNodeKey;

            var fromNextSibling;
            var toNextSibling;
            var matchingFromEl;

            // walk the children
            outer: while (curToNodeChild) {
                toNextSibling = curToNodeChild.nextSibling;
                curToNodeKey = callHook(getNodeKey, curToNodeChild);

                // walk the fromNode children all the way through
                while (curFromNodeChild) {
                    fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;

                    if (curToNodeChild.isSameNode && curToNodeChild.isSameNode(curFromNodeChild)) {
                        curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
                        curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
                        continue outer;

                    curFromNodeKey = callHook(getNodeKey, curFromNodeChild);

                    var curFromNodeType = curFromNodeChild.nodeType;

                    // this means if the curFromNodeChild doesnt have a match with the curToNodeChild
                    var isCompatible = undefined;

                    if (curFromNodeType === curToNodeChild.nodeType) {
                        if (curFromNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
                            // Both nodes being compared are Element nodes

                            if (curToNodeKey) {
                                // The target node has a key so we want to match it up with the correct element
                                // in the original DOM tree
                                if (curToNodeKey !== curFromNodeKey) {
                                    // The current element in the original DOM tree does not have a matching key so
                                    // let's check our lookup to see if there is a matching element in the original
                                    // DOM tree
                                    if ((matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey])) {
                                        if (fromNextSibling === matchingFromEl) {
                                            // Special case for single element removals. To avoid removing the original
                                            // DOM node out of the tree (since that can break CSS transitions, etc.),
                                            // we will instead discard the current node and wait until the next
                                            // iteration to properly match up the keyed target element with its matching
                                            // element in the original tree
                                            isCompatible = false;
                                        } else {
                                            // We found a matching keyed element somewhere in the original DOM tree.
                                            // Let's move the original DOM node into the current position and morph
                                            // it.

                                            // NOTE: We use insertBefore instead of replaceChild because we want to go through
                                            // the `removeNode()` function for the node that is being discarded so that
                                            // all lifecycle hooks are correctly invoked
                                            fromEl.insertBefore(matchingFromEl, curFromNodeChild);

                                            // fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling;
                                            if (curFromNodeKey) {
                                                // Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
                                                // the actual removal to later
                                            } else {
                                                // NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
                                                //       still a chance they will be matched up later
                                                removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);

                                            curFromNodeChild = matchingFromEl;
                                    } else {
                                        // The nodes are not compatible since the "to" node has a key and there
                                        // is no matching keyed node in the source tree
                                        isCompatible = false;
                            } else if (curFromNodeKey) {
                                // The original has a key
                                isCompatible = false;

                            isCompatible = isCompatible !== false && compareNodeNames(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild);
                            if (isCompatible) {
                                // @livewireModification
                                // If the two nodes are different, but the next element is an exact match,
                                // we can assume that the new node is meant to be inserted, instead of
                                // used as a morph target.
                                if (
                                    ! curToNodeChild.isEqualNode(curFromNodeChild)
                                    && curToNodeChild.nextElementSibling
                                    && curToNodeChild.nextElementSibling.isEqualNode(curFromNodeChild)
                                ) {
                                    isCompatible = false
                                } else {
                                    // We found compatible DOM elements so transform
                                    // the current "from" node to match the current
                                    // target DOM node.
                                    // MORPH
                                    morphEl(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild);

                        } else if (curFromNodeType === TEXT_NODE || curFromNodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
                            // Both nodes being compared are Text or Comment nodes
                            isCompatible = true;
                            // Simply update nodeValue on the original node to
                            // change the text value
                            if (curFromNodeChild.nodeValue !== curToNodeChild.nodeValue) {
                                curFromNodeChild.nodeValue = curToNodeChild.nodeValue;

                    if (isCompatible) {
                        // Advance both the "to" child and the "from" child since we found a match
                        // Nothing else to do as we already recursively called morphChildren above
                        curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
                        curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
                        continue outer;

                    // @livewireModification
                    // Before we just remove the original element, let's see if it's the very next
                    // element in the "to" list. If it is, we can assume we can insert the new
                    // element before the original one instead of removing it. This is kind of
                    // a "look-ahead".
                    if (curToNodeChild.nextElementSibling && curToNodeChild.nextElementSibling.isEqualNode(curFromNodeChild)) {
                        const nodeToBeAdded = curToNodeChild.cloneNode(true)
                        fromEl.insertBefore(nodeToBeAdded, curFromNodeChild)
                        curToNodeChild = curToNodeChild.nextElementSibling.nextSibling;
                        curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
                        continue outer;
                    } else {
                        // No compatible match so remove the old node from the DOM and continue trying to find a
                        // match in the original DOM. However, we only do this if the from node is not keyed
                        // since it is possible that a keyed node might match up with a node somewhere else in the
                        // target tree and we don't want to discard it just yet since it still might find a
                        // home in the final DOM tree. After everything is done we will remove any keyed nodes
                        // that didn't find a home
                        if (curFromNodeKey) {
                            // Since the node is keyed it might be matched up later so we defer
                            // the actual removal to later
                        } else {
                            // NOTE: we skip nested keyed nodes from being removed since there is
                            //       still a chance they will be matched up later
                            removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true /* skip keyed nodes */);

                    curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;
                } // END: while(curFromNodeChild) {}

                // If we got this far then we did not find a candidate match for
                // our "to node" and we exhausted all of the children "from"
                // nodes. Therefore, we will just append the current "to" node
                // to the end
                if (curToNodeKey && (matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey]) && compareNodeNames(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild)) {
                    // MORPH
                    morphEl(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild);
                } else {
                    var onBeforeNodeAddedResult = callHook(onBeforeNodeAdded, curToNodeChild);
                    if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult !== false) {
                        if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult) {
                            curToNodeChild = onBeforeNodeAddedResult;

                        if (curToNodeChild.actualize) {
                            curToNodeChild = curToNodeChild.actualize(fromEl.ownerDocument || doc);

                curToNodeChild = toNextSibling;
                curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling;

            cleanupFromEl(fromEl, curFromNodeChild, curFromNodeKey);

            var specialElHandler = specialElHandlers[fromEl.nodeName];
            if (specialElHandler && ! fromEl.isLivewireModel) {
                specialElHandler(fromEl, toEl);
        } // END: morphChildren(...)

        var morphedNode = fromNode;
        var morphedNodeType = morphedNode.nodeType;
        var toNodeType = toNode.nodeType;

        if (!childrenOnly) {
            // Handle the case where we are given two DOM nodes that are not
            // compatible (e.g. <div> --> <span> or <div> --> TEXT)
            if (morphedNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
                if (toNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    if (!compareNodeNames(fromNode, toNode)) {
                        callHook(onNodeDiscarded, fromNode);
                        morphedNode = moveChildren(fromNode, createElementNS(toNode.nodeName, toNode.namespaceURI));
                } else {
                    // Going from an element node to a text node
                    morphedNode = toNode;
            } else if (morphedNodeType === TEXT_NODE || morphedNodeType === COMMENT_NODE) { // Text or comment node
                if (toNodeType === morphedNodeType) {
                    if (morphedNode.nodeValue !== toNode.nodeValue) {
                        morphedNode.nodeValue = toNode.nodeValue;

                    return morphedNode;
                } else {
                    // Text node to something else
                    morphedNode = toNode;

        if (morphedNode === toNode) {
            // The "to node" was not compatible with the "from node" so we had to
            // toss out the "from node" and use the "to node"
            callHook(onNodeDiscarded, fromNode);
        } else {
            if (toNode.isSameNode && toNode.isSameNode(morphedNode)) {

            morphEl(morphedNode, toNode, childrenOnly);

            // We now need to loop over any keyed nodes that might need to be
            // removed. We only do the removal if we know that the keyed node
            // never found a match. When a keyed node is matched up we remove
            // it out of fromNodesLookup and we use fromNodesLookup to determine
            // if a keyed node has been matched up or not
            if (keyedRemovalList) {
                for (var i=0, len=keyedRemovalList.length; i<len; i++) {
                    var elToRemove = fromNodesLookup[keyedRemovalList[i]];
                    if (elToRemove) {
                        removeNode(elToRemove, elToRemove.parentNode, false);

        if (!childrenOnly && morphedNode !== fromNode && fromNode.parentNode) {
            if (morphedNode.actualize) {
                morphedNode = morphedNode.actualize(fromNode.ownerDocument || doc);
            // If we had to swap out the from node with a new node because the old
            // node was not compatible with the target node then we need to
            // replace the old DOM node in the original DOM tree. This is only
            // possible if the original DOM node was part of a DOM tree which
            // we know is the case if it has a parent node.
            fromNode.parentNode.replaceChild(morphedNode, fromNode);

        return morphedNode;
@LwBee Strong Bypass

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