
namespace Livewire\ComponentConcerns;

use function collect;
use function count;
use function explode;
use function Livewire\str;
use Livewire\ObjectPrybar;
use Livewire\Wireable;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\MessageBag;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Livewire\Exceptions\MissingRulesException;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection as EloquentCollection;
use Livewire\HydrationMiddleware\HydratePublicProperties;

trait ValidatesInput
    protected $errorBag;

    protected $withValidatorCallback;

    public function getErrorBag()
        return $this->errorBag ?? new MessageBag;

    public function addError($name, $message)
        return $this->getErrorBag()->add($name, $message);

    public function setErrorBag($bag)
        return $this->errorBag = $bag instanceof MessageBag
            ? $bag
            : new MessageBag($bag);

    public function resetErrorBag($field = null)
        $fields = (array) $field;

        if (empty($fields)) {
            return $this->errorBag = new MessageBag;


    public function clearValidation($field = null)

    public function resetValidation($field = null)

    public function errorBagExcept($field)
        $fields = (array) $field;

        return new MessageBag(
                ->reject(function ($messages, $messageKey) use ($fields) {
                    return collect($fields)->some(function ($field) use ($messageKey) {
                        return str($messageKey)->is($field);

    protected function getRules()
        if (method_exists($this, 'rules')) return $this->rules();
        if (property_exists($this, 'rules')) return $this->rules;

        return [];

    protected function getMessages()
        if (method_exists($this, 'messages')) return $this->messages();
        if (property_exists($this, 'messages')) return $this->messages;

        return [];

    protected function getValidationAttributes()
        if (method_exists($this, 'validationAttributes')) return $this->validationAttributes();
        if (property_exists($this, 'validationAttributes')) return $this->validationAttributes;

        return [];

    protected function getValidationCustomValues()
        if (method_exists($this, 'validationCustomValues')) return $this->validationCustomValues();
        if (property_exists($this, 'validationCustomValues')) return $this->validationCustomValues;

        return [];

    public function rulesForModel($name)
        if (empty($this->getRules())) return collect();

        return collect($this->getRules())
            ->filter(function ($value, $key) use ($name) {
                return $this->beforeFirstDot($key) === $name;

    public function hasRuleFor($dotNotatedProperty)
        $propertyWithStarsInsteadOfNumbers = $this->ruleWithNumbersReplacedByStars($dotNotatedProperty);

        // If property has numeric indexes in it,
        if ($dotNotatedProperty !== $propertyWithStarsInsteadOfNumbers) {
            return collect($this->getRules())->keys()->contains($propertyWithStarsInsteadOfNumbers);

        return collect($this->getRules())
            ->map(function ($key) {
                return (string) str($key)->before('.*');

    public function ruleWithNumbersReplacedByStars($dotNotatedProperty)
        // Convert foo.0.bar.1 -> foo.*.bar.*
        return (string) str($dotNotatedProperty)
            // Replace all numeric indexes with an array wildcard: (.0., .10., .007.) => .*.
            // In order to match overlapping numerical indexes (foo.,
            // We need to use a positive look-behind, that's technically all the magic here.
            // For better understanding, see: https://regexr.com/5d1n3
            ->replaceMatches('/(?<=(\.))\d+\./', '*.')
            // Replace all numeric indexes at the end of the name with an array wildcard
            // (Same as the previous regex, but ran only at the end of the string)
            // For better undestanding, see: https://regexr.com/5d1n6
            ->replaceMatches('/\.\d+$/', '.*');

    public function missingRuleFor($dotNotatedProperty)
        return ! $this->hasRuleFor($dotNotatedProperty);

    public function withValidator($callback)
        $this->withValidatorCallback = $callback;

        return $this;

    public function validate($rules = null, $messages = [], $attributes = [])
        [$rules, $messages, $attributes] = $this->providedOrGlobalRulesMessagesAndAttributes($rules, $messages, $attributes);

        $data = $this->prepareForValidation(

        $ruleKeysToShorten = $this->getModelAttributeRuleKeysToShorten($data, $rules);

        $data = $this->unwrapDataForValidation($data);

        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rules, $messages, $attributes);

        if ($this->withValidatorCallback) {
            call_user_func($this->withValidatorCallback, $validator);

            $this->withValidatorCallback = null;

        $this->shortenModelAttributesInsideValidator($ruleKeysToShorten, $validator);

        $customValues = $this->getValidationCustomValues();
        if (!empty($customValues)) {

        $validatedData = $validator->validate();


        return $validatedData;

    public function validateOnly($field, $rules = null, $messages = [], $attributes = [])
        [$rules, $messages, $attributes] = $this->providedOrGlobalRulesMessagesAndAttributes($rules, $messages, $attributes);

        // Loop through rules and swap any wildcard '*' with keys from field, then filter down to only
        // rules that match the field, but return the rules without wildcard characters replaced,
        // so that custom attributes and messages still work as they need wildcards to work.
        $rulesForField = collect($rules)
            ->filter(function($value, $rule) use ($field) {
                if(! str($field)->is($rule)) {
                    return false;

                $fieldArray = str($field)->explode('.');
                $ruleArray = str($rule)->explode('.');

                for($i = 0; $i < count($fieldArray); $i++) {
                    if(isset($ruleArray[$i]) && $ruleArray[$i] === '*') {
                        $ruleArray[$i] = $fieldArray[$i];

                $rule = $ruleArray->join('.');

                return $field === $rule;

        $ruleForField = $rulesForField->keys()->first();

        $rulesForField = $rulesForField->toArray();

        $ruleKeysForField = array_keys($rulesForField);

        $data = $this->getDataForValidation($rules);

        $ruleKeysToShorten = $this->getModelAttributeRuleKeysToShorten($data, $rules);

        $data = $this->prepareForValidation($data);

        $data = $this->unwrapDataForValidation($data);

        // If a matching rule is found, then filter collections down to keys specified in the field,
        // while leaving all other data intact. If a key isn't specified and instead there is a 
        // wildcard '*' then leave that whole collection intact. This ensures that any rules
        // that depend on other fields/ properties still work.
        if ($ruleForField) {
            $ruleArray = str($ruleForField)->explode('.');
            $fieldArray = str($field)->explode('.');

            $data = $this->filterCollectionDataDownToSpecificKeys($data, $ruleArray, $fieldArray);

        $validator = Validator::make($data, $rulesForField, $messages, $attributes);

        if ($this->withValidatorCallback) {
            call_user_func($this->withValidatorCallback, $validator);

            $this->withValidatorCallback = null;

        $this->shortenModelAttributesInsideValidator($ruleKeysToShorten, $validator);

        $customValues = $this->getValidationCustomValues();
        if (!empty($customValues)) {

        try {
            $result = $validator->validate();
        } catch (ValidationException $e) {
            $messages = $e->validator->getMessageBag();
            $target = new ObjectPrybar($e->validator);


            throw $e;


        return $result;

    protected function filterCollectionDataDownToSpecificKeys($data, $ruleKeys, $fieldKeys)
        // Filter data down to specified keys in collections, but leave all other data intact
        if (count($ruleKeys)) {
            $ruleKey = $ruleKeys->shift();
            $fieldKey = $fieldKeys->shift();

            if ($fieldKey == '*') {
                // If the specified field has a '*', then loop through the collection and keep the whole collection intact.
                foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                    $data[$key] = $this->filterCollectionDataDownToSpecificKeys($value, $ruleKeys, $fieldKeys);
            } else {
                // Otherwise filter collection down to a specific key
                $keyData = $data[$fieldKey];

                if ($ruleKey == '*') {
                    $data = [];

                $data[$fieldKey] = $this->filterCollectionDataDownToSpecificKeys($keyData, $ruleKeys, $fieldKeys);

        return $data;

    protected function getModelAttributeRuleKeysToShorten($data, $rules)
        // If a model ($foo) is a property, and the validation rule is
        // "foo.bar", then set the attribute to just "bar", so that
        // the validation message is shortened and more readable.

        $toShorten = [];

        foreach ($rules as $key => $value) {
            $propertyName = $this->beforeFirstDot($key);

            if ($data[$propertyName] instanceof Model) {
                $toShorten[] = $key;

        return $toShorten;

    protected function shortenModelAttributesInsideValidator($ruleKeys, $validator)
        foreach ($ruleKeys as $key) {
            if (str($key)->snake()->replace('_', ' ')->is($validator->getDisplayableAttribute($key))) {
                $validator->addCustomAttributes([$key => $validator->getDisplayableAttribute($this->afterFirstDot($key))]);

    protected function providedOrGlobalRulesMessagesAndAttributes($rules, $messages, $attributes)
        $rules = is_null($rules) ? $this->getRules() : $rules;

        throw_if(empty($rules), new MissingRulesException($this::getName()));

        $messages = empty($messages) ? $this->getMessages() : $messages;
        $attributes = empty($attributes) ? $this->getValidationAttributes() : $attributes;

        return [$rules, $messages, $attributes];

    protected function getDataForValidation($rules)
        $properties = $this->getPublicPropertiesDefinedBySubClass();

            ->each(function ($ruleKey) use ($properties) {
                $propertyName = $this->beforeFirstDot($ruleKey);

                throw_unless(array_key_exists($propertyName, $properties), new \Exception('No property found for validation: ['.$ruleKey.']'));

        return $properties;

    protected function unwrapDataForValidation($data)
        return collect($data)->map(function ($value) {
            if ($value instanceof Collection || $value instanceof EloquentCollection || $value instanceof Model) return $value->toArray();
            else if ($value instanceof Wireable) return $value->toLivewire();

            return $value;

    protected function prepareForValidation($attributes)
        return $attributes;
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