<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of the Monolog package.
* (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Monolog\Handler;
use Monolog\Formatter\FormatterInterface;
* Sampling handler
* A sampled event stream can be useful for logging high frequency events in
* a production environment where you only need an idea of what is happening
* and are not concerned with capturing every occurrence. Since the decision to
* handle or not handle a particular event is determined randomly, the
* resulting sampled log is not guaranteed to contain 1/N of the events that
* occurred in the application, but based on the Law of large numbers, it will
* tend to be close to this ratio with a large number of attempts.
* @author Bryan Davis <bd808@wikimedia.org>
* @author Kunal Mehta <legoktm@gmail.com>
* @phpstan-import-type Record from \Monolog\Logger
* @phpstan-import-type Level from \Monolog\Logger
class SamplingHandler extends AbstractHandler implements ProcessableHandlerInterface, FormattableHandlerInterface
use ProcessableHandlerTrait;
* @var HandlerInterface|callable
* @phpstan-var HandlerInterface|callable(Record|array{level: Level}|null, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface
protected $handler;
* @var int $factor
protected $factor;
* @psalm-param HandlerInterface|callable(Record|array{level: Level}|null, HandlerInterface): HandlerInterface $handler
* @param callable|HandlerInterface $handler Handler or factory callable($record|null, $samplingHandler).
* @param int $factor Sample factor (e.g. 10 means every ~10th record is sampled)
public function __construct($handler, int $factor)
$this->handler = $handler;
$this->factor = $factor;
if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface && !is_callable($this->handler)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("The given handler (".json_encode($this->handler).") is not a callable nor a Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface object");
public function isHandling(array $record): bool
return $this->getHandler($record)->isHandling($record);
public function handle(array $record): bool
if ($this->isHandling($record) && mt_rand(1, $this->factor) === 1) {
if ($this->processors) {
/** @var Record $record */
$record = $this->processRecord($record);
return false === $this->bubble;
* Return the nested handler
* If the handler was provided as a factory callable, this will trigger the handler's instantiation.
* @phpstan-param Record|array{level: Level}|null $record
* @return HandlerInterface
public function getHandler(array $record = null)
if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) {
$this->handler = ($this->handler)($record, $this);
if (!$this->handler instanceof HandlerInterface) {
throw new \RuntimeException("The factory callable should return a HandlerInterface");
return $this->handler;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function setFormatter(FormatterInterface $formatter): HandlerInterface
$handler = $this->getHandler();
if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) {
return $this;
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.');
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getFormatter(): FormatterInterface
$handler = $this->getHandler();
if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) {
return $handler->getFormatter();
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('The nested handler of type '.get_class($handler).' does not support formatters.');
@LwBee Strong Bypass
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