* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Authors:
* - Red Hat Pune libc-alpha@sourceware.org
return array_replace_recursive(require __DIR__.'/en.php', [
'formats' => [
'L' => 'D/M/YY',
'months' => ['जनवरी', 'फरवरी', 'मार्च', 'एप्रैल', 'मेई', 'जून', 'जूलै', 'अगस्त', 'सितंबर', 'अक्तूबर', 'नवंबर', 'दिसंबर'],
'months_short' => ['जनवरी', 'फरवरी', 'मार्च', 'एप्रैल', 'मेई', 'जून', 'जूलै', 'अगस्त', 'सितंबर', 'अक्तूबर', 'नवंबर', 'दिसंबर'],
'weekdays' => ['ऐतबार', 'सोमबार', 'मंगलबर', 'बुधबार', 'बीरबार', 'शुक्करबार', 'श्नीचरबार'],
'weekdays_short' => ['ऐत', 'सोम', 'मंगल', 'बुध', 'बीर', 'शुक्कर', 'श्नीचर'],
'weekdays_min' => ['ऐत', 'सोम', 'मंगल', 'बुध', 'बीर', 'शुक्कर', 'श्नीचर'],
'day_of_first_week_of_year' => 1,
'meridiem' => ['सञं', 'सबेर'],
'second' => ':count सङार', // less reliable
's' => ':count सङार', // less reliable
'a_second' => ':count सङार', // less reliable
@LwBee Strong Bypass
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