namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use App;
use App\Models\Banner;
use App\Mail\NotificationEmail;
use App\Models\Comment;
use App\Models\Contact;
use App\Models\Section;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Models\Topic;
use App\Models\TopicCategory;
use App\Models\TopicField;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Webmail;
use App\Models\WebmasterSection;
use App\Models\WebmasterSetting;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Mail;
use Redirect;
use Helper;
use Auth;
class HomeController extends Controller
public function __construct()
// check if script not installed yet.
// check for installation
if (!File::exists('core/storage/installed')) {
// check if website is closed
public function SEO($seo_url_slug = 0)
return $this->SEOByLang("", $seo_url_slug);
public function SEOByLang($lang = "", $seo_url_slug = 0)
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
$seo_url_slug = Str::slug($seo_url_slug, '-');
switch ($seo_url_slug) {
case "home" :
return $this->HomePage();
case "about" :
$id = 1;
$section = 1;
return $this->topic($section, $id);
case "privacy" :
$id = 3;
$section = 1;
return $this->topic($section, $id);
case "terms" :
$id = 4;
$section = 1;
return $this->topic($section, $id);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
$Current_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$Default_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$Current_Title = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$Default_Title = "title_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$WebmasterSection1 = WebmasterSection::where($Current_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->first();
if (!empty($WebmasterSection1)) {
$section = $WebmasterSection1->id;
if ($WebmasterSection1->type == 6) {
// view as public form page
return $this->public_form($section);
} else {
// view section topics
return $this->topics($section, 0);
} else {
$WebmasterSection2 = WebmasterSection::where($Current_Title, $seo_url_slug)->orwhere($Default_Title, $seo_url_slug)->first();
if (empty($WebmasterSection2)) {
$AllWebmasterSections = WebmasterSection::where('status', 1)->get();
foreach ($AllWebmasterSections as $TWebmasterSection) {
if ($TWebmasterSection->$Current_Title != "") {
$TTitle = $TWebmasterSection->$Current_Title;
} else {
$TTitle = $TWebmasterSection->$Default_Title;
$TTitle_slug = Str::slug($TTitle, '-');
if ($TTitle_slug == $seo_url_slug) {
$WebmasterSection2 = $TWebmasterSection;
if (!empty($WebmasterSection2)) {
$section = $WebmasterSection2->id;
return $this->topics($section, 0);
} else {
$Section = Section::where('status', 1)->where($Current_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->first();
if (empty($Section)) {
$AllSection = Section::where('status', 1)->get();
foreach ($AllSection as $TSection) {
if ($TSection->$Current_Title != "") {
$TTitle = $TSection->$Current_Title;
} else {
$TTitle = $TSection->$Default_Title;
$TTitle_slug = Str::slug($TTitle, '-');
if ($TTitle_slug == $seo_url_slug) {
$Section = $TSection;
if (!empty($Section)) {
// SITE Category
$section = $Section->webmaster_id;
$cat = $Section->id;
return $this->topics($section, $cat);
} else {
$Topic = Topic::where('status', 1)->where($Current_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $seo_url_slug)->first();
if (empty($Topic)) {
$AllTopics = Topic::where('status', 1)->get();
foreach ($AllTopics as $TTopic) {
if ($TTopic->$Current_Title != "") {
$TTitle = $TTopic->$Current_Title;
} else {
$TTitle = $TTopic->$Default_Title;
$TTitle_slug = Str::slug($TTitle, '-');
if ($TTitle_slug == $seo_url_slug) {
$Topic = $TTopic;
if (!empty($Topic)) {
if($Topic->id == $WebmasterSettings->contact_page_id){
return $this->ContactPage();
// SITE Topic
$section_id = $Topic->webmaster_id;
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($section_id);
$section = $WebmasterSection->id;
$id = $Topic->id;
return $this->topic($section, $id);
} else {
// Not found
return redirect()->route("HomePage");
public function HomePage()
return $this->HomePageByLang("");
public function HomePageByLang($lang = "")
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
// Home topics
$HomeTopics = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content1_section_id], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content1_section_id], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->limit(12)->get();
// Home photos
$HomePhotos = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content2_section_id], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content2_section_id], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->limit(12)->get();
// Home Partners
$HomePartners = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content3_section_id], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_content3_section_id], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Get Home page slider banners
$SliderBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Home page Test banners
$TextBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->home_text_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$PageTitle = ""; // will show default site Title
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
$HomePage = [];
if ($WebmasterSettings->default_currency_id > 0) {
$HomePage = Topic::where("status", 1)->find($WebmasterSettings->default_currency_id);
return view("frontEnd.home",
public function topic($section = 0, $id = 0)
// check url slug
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
return $this->SEOByLang($section, $id);
$lang_dirs = array_filter(glob(App::langPath() . '/*'), 'is_dir');
// check if this like "/ar/blog"
if (in_array(App::langPath() . "/$section", $lang_dirs)) {
return $this->topicsByLang($section, $id, 0);
} else {
return $this->topicByLang("", $section, $id);
public function topicsByLang($lang = "", $section = 0, $cat = 0)
if (!is_numeric($cat)) {
return $this->topicsByLang($section, $cat, 0);
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
// get Webmaster section settings by name
$Current_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$Default_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where($Current_Slug, $section)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $section)->first();
if (empty($WebmasterSection) && is_numeric($section)) {
// get Webmaster section settings by ID
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($section);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
// if private redirect back to home
if ($WebmasterSection->type == 4) {
return redirect()->route("HomePage");
// if public form redirect to form
if ($WebmasterSection->type == 6) {
return $this->public_form($WebmasterSection->id);
// count topics by Category
$category_and_topics_count = array();
$AllSections = Section::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->where('status', 1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
if (count($AllSections) > 0) {
foreach ($AllSections as $AllSection) {
$category_topics = array();
$TopicCategories = TopicCategory::where('section_id', $AllSection->id)->get();
foreach ($TopicCategories as $category) {
$category_topics[] = $category->topic_id;
$Topics = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->get();
$category_and_topics_count[$AllSection->id] = count($Topics);
// Get current Category Section details
$CurrentCategory = Section::find($cat);
// Get a list of all Category ( for side bar )
$Categories = Section::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->where('father_id', '=',
'0')->where('status', 1)->orderby('webmaster_id', 'asc')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
if (!empty($CurrentCategory)) {
$category_topics = array();
$TopicCategories = TopicCategory::where('section_id', $cat)->get();
foreach ($TopicCategories as $category) {
$category_topics[] = $category->topic_id;
// update visits
$CurrentCategory->visits = $CurrentCategory->visits + 1;
// Topics by Cat_ID
$Topics = Topic::where(function ($q) use ($WebmasterSection) {
$q->where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]]);
})->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->paginate(env('FRONTEND_PAGINATION'));
// Get Most Viewed Topics fot this Category
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
} else {
// Topics if NO Cat_ID
$Topics = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status',
1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->paginate(env('FRONTEND_PAGINATION'));
// Get Most Viewed
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status',
1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
$SideBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->side_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
if (!empty($CurrentCategory)) {
$seo_title_var = "seo_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_description_var = "seo_description_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_keywords_var = "seo_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$tpc_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
if ($CurrentCategory->$seo_title_var != "") {
$PageTitle = $CurrentCategory->$seo_title_var;
} else {
$PageTitle = $CurrentCategory->$tpc_title_var;
if ($CurrentCategory->$seo_description_var != "") {
$PageDescription = $CurrentCategory->$seo_description_var;
} else {
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
if ($CurrentCategory->$seo_keywords_var != "") {
$PageKeywords = $CurrentCategory->$seo_keywords_var;
} else {
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
} else {
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$title_var2 = "title_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
if ($WebmasterSection->$title_var != "") {
$PageTitle = $WebmasterSection->$title_var;
} else {
$PageTitle = $WebmasterSection->$title_var2;
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// .. end of .. Page Title, Description, Keywords
// Send all to the view
$view = "topics";
if ($WebmasterSection->type == 5) {
$view = "table";
$statics = [];
foreach ($WebmasterSection->customFields as $customField) {
if ($customField->in_statics && ($customField->type == 6 || $customField->type == 7)) {
$cf_details_var = "details_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$cf_details_var2 = "details_en" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
if ($customField->$cf_details_var != "") {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var;
} else {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var2;
$cf_details_lines = preg_split('/\r\n|[\r\n]/', $cf_details);
$line_num = 1;
$statics_row = [];
foreach ($cf_details_lines as $cf_details_line) {
if ($customField->type == 6) {
$tids = TopicField::select("topic_id")->where("field_id", $customField->id)->where("field_value", $line_num);
} else {
$tids = TopicField::select("topic_id")->where("field_id", $customField->id)->where("field_value", 'like', '%' . $line_num . '%');
$Topics_count = Topic::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->wherein('id', $tids)->count();
$statics_row[$line_num] = $Topics_count;
$statics[$customField->id] = $statics_row;
return view("frontEnd." . $view,
} else {
return $this->SEOByLang($lang, $section);
public function topicByLang($lang = "", $section = 0, $id = 0)
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
// check for pages called by name not id
switch ($section) {
case "about" :
$id = 1;
$section = 1;
case "privacy" :
$id = 3;
$section = 1;
case "terms" :
$id = 4;
$section = 1;
// get Webmaster section settings by name
$Current_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$Default_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where($Current_Slug, $section)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $section)->first();
if (empty($WebmasterSection) && is_numeric($section)) {
// get Webmaster section settings by ID
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($section);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
// if private redirect back to home
if ($WebmasterSection->type == 4) {
return redirect()->route("HomePage");
// if public form redirect to form
if ($WebmasterSection->type == 6) {
return $this->public_form($WebmasterSection->id);
// count topics by Category
$category_and_topics_count = array();
$AllSections = Section::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->where('status', 1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
if (count($AllSections) > 0) {
foreach ($AllSections as $AllSection) {
$category_topics = array();
$TopicCategories = TopicCategory::where('section_id', $AllSection->id)->get();
foreach ($TopicCategories as $category) {
$category_topics[] = $category->topic_id;
$Topics = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->get();
$category_and_topics_count[$AllSection->id] = count($Topics);
$Topic = Topic::where('status', 1)->find($id);
if (!empty($Topic) && ($Topic->expire_date == '' || ($Topic->expire_date != '' && $Topic->expire_date >= date("Y-m-d")))) {
// update visits
$Topic->visits = $Topic->visits + 1;
// Get current Category Section details
$CurrentCategory = array();
$TopicCategory = TopicCategory::where('topic_id', $Topic->id)->first();
if (!empty($TopicCategory)) {
$CurrentCategory = Section::find($TopicCategory->section_id);
// Get a list of all Category ( for side bar )
$Categories = Section::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->where('status',
1)->where('father_id', '=', '0')->orderby('webmaster_id', 'asc')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Most Viewed
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
$SideBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->side_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
$seo_title_var = "seo_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_description_var = "seo_description_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_keywords_var = "seo_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$tpc_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
if ($Topic->$seo_title_var != "") {
$PageTitle = $Topic->$seo_title_var;
} else {
$PageTitle = $Topic->$tpc_title_var;
if ($Topic->$seo_description_var != "") {
$PageDescription = $Topic->$seo_description_var;
} else {
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
if ($Topic->$seo_keywords_var != "") {
$PageKeywords = $Topic->$seo_keywords_var;
} else {
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// .. end of .. Page Title, Description, Keywords
return view("frontEnd.topic",
} else {
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
} else {
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
public function topics($section = 0, $cat = 0)
$lang_dirs = array_filter(glob(App::langPath() . '/*'), 'is_dir');
// check if this like "/ar/blog"
if (in_array(App::langPath() . "/$section", $lang_dirs)) {
return $this->topicsByLang($section, $cat, 0);
} else {
return $this->topicsByLang("", $section, $cat);
public function userTopics($id)
return $this->userTopicsByLang("", $id);
public function userTopicsByLang($lang = "", $id = 0)
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
// get User Details
$User = User::find($id);
if (!empty($User)) {
// count topics by Category
$category_and_topics_count = array();
$AllSections = Section::where('status', 1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
if (!empty($AllSections)) {
foreach ($AllSections as $AllSection) {
$category_topics = array();
$TopicCategories = TopicCategory::where('section_id', $AllSection->id)->get();
foreach ($TopicCategories as $category) {
$category_topics[] = $category->topic_id;
$Topics = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->get();
$category_and_topics_count[$AllSection->id] = count($Topics);
// Get current Category Section details
$CurrentCategory = "none";
$WebmasterSection = "none";
// Get a list of all Category ( for side bar )
$Categories = Section::where('father_id', '=',
'0')->where('status', 1)->orderby('webmaster_id', 'asc')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Topics if NO Cat_ID
$Topics = Topic::where([['created_by', $User->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['created_by', $User->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->paginate(env('FRONTEND_PAGINATION'));
// Get Most Viewed
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['created_by', $User->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['created_by', $User->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
$SideBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->side_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$PageTitle = $User->name;
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// .. end of .. Page Title, Description, Keywords
// Send all to the view
return view("frontEnd.topics",
} else {
// If no section name/ID go back to home
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
public function searchTopics()
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
$search_word = request()->input("search_word");
$section = request()->input("section");
if ($search_word != "") {
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($section);
// count topics by Category
$category_and_topics_count = array();
$AllSections = Section::where('status', 1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
if (!empty($AllSections)) {
foreach ($AllSections as $AllSection) {
$category_topics = array();
$TopicCategories = TopicCategory::where('section_id', $AllSection->id)->get();
foreach ($TopicCategories as $category) {
$category_topics[] = $category->topic_id;
$Topics = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orWhere([['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->whereIn('id', $category_topics)->orderby('date', env("FRONTEND_TOPICS_ORDER", "asc"))->get();
$category_and_topics_count[$AllSection->id] = count($Topics);
// Get current Category Section details
$CurrentCategory = "none";
// Get a list of all Category ( for side bar )
$Categories = Section::where('father_id', '=',
'0')->where('status', 1)->orderby('webmaster_id', 'asc')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Topics if NO Cat_ID
$Topics = Topic::select("id")->where('title_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code, 'like', '%' . $search_word . '%')
->orwhere('seo_title_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code, 'like', '%' . $search_word . '%')
->orwhere('details_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code, 'like', '%' . $search_word . '%');
$topics_ids = TopicField::select("topic_id")->where("field_value", 'like', '%' . $search_word . '%');
$Topics = $Topics->orwherein("id", $topics_ids);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
$Topics = Topic::where("webmaster_id", $WebmasterSection->id)->where("status", true)->wherein("id", $Topics)->orderby('id', 'desc')->paginate(env('FRONTEND_PAGINATION'));
} else {
$Topics = Topic::where("status", true)->wherein("id", $Topics)->orderby('id', 'desc')->paginate(env('FRONTEND_PAGINATION'));
// Get Most Viewed
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
$SideBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->side_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = Topic::where([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('row_no', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$PageTitle = $search_word;
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// .. end of .. Page Title, Description, Keywords
// Send all to the view
$view = "topics";
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
if (@$WebmasterSection->type == 5) {
$view = "table";
return view("frontEnd." . $view,
} else {
// If no section name/ID go back to home
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
public function ContactPage()
return $this->ContactPageByLang("");
public function ContactPageByLang($lang = "")
if ($lang != "") {
// Set Language
\Session::put('locale', $lang);
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
$id = $WebmasterSettings->contact_page_id;
$Topic = Topic::where('status', 1)->find($id);
if (!empty($Topic) && ($Topic->expire_date == '' || ($Topic->expire_date != '' && $Topic->expire_date >= date("Y-m-d")))) {
// update visits
$Topic->visits = $Topic->visits + 1;
// get Webmaster section settings by ID
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($Topic->webmaster_id);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
// Get current Category Section details
$CurrentCategory = Section::find($Topic->section_id);
// Get a list of all Category ( for side bar )
$Categories = Section::where('webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id)->where('father_id', '=',
'0')->where('status', 1)->orderby('webmaster_id', 'asc')->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Most Viewed
$TopicsMostViewed = Topic::where([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['webmaster_id', '=', $WebmasterSection->id], ['status', 1], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('visits', 'desc')->limit(3)->get();
$SideBanners = Banner::where('section_id', $WebmasterSettings->side_banners_section_id)->where('status',
1)->orderby('row_no', 'asc')->get();
// Get Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
$seo_title_var = "seo_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_description_var = "seo_description_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$seo_keywords_var = "seo_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$tpc_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
if ($Topic->$seo_title_var != "") {
$PageTitle = $Topic->$seo_title_var;
} else {
$PageTitle = $Topic->$tpc_title_var;
if ($Topic->$seo_description_var != "") {
$PageDescription = $Topic->$seo_description_var;
} else {
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
if ($Topic->$seo_keywords_var != "") {
$PageKeywords = $Topic->$seo_keywords_var;
} else {
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// .. end of .. Page Title, Description, Keywords
return view("frontEnd.contact",
} else {
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
} else {
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
public function ContactPageSubmit(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'contact_name' => 'required',
'contact_email' => 'required|email',
'contact_subject' => 'required',
'contact_message' => 'required'
if (env('NOCAPTCHA_STATUS', false)) {
$this->validate($request, [
'g-recaptcha-response' => 'required|captcha'
$site_title_var = "site_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_email = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("site_webmails");
$Webmail = new Webmail;
$Webmail->cat_id = 0;
$Webmail->group_id = null;
$Webmail->title = $request->contact_subject;
$Webmail->details = $request->contact_message;
$Webmail->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Webmail->from_email = $request->contact_email;
$Webmail->from_name = $request->contact_name;
$Webmail->from_phone = $request->contact_phone;
$Webmail->to_email = $site_email;
$Webmail->to_name = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_title_var);
$Webmail->status = 0;
$Webmail->flag = 0;
// SEND Notification Email
if (@Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('notify_messages_status')) {
try {
$recipient = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $site_email));
$message_details = __('frontend.name') . ": " . $request->contact_name . "<hr>" . __('frontend.phone') . ": " . $request->contact_phone . "<hr>" . __('frontend.email') . ": " . $request->contact_email . "<hr>" . __('frontend.message') . ":<br>" . nl2br($request->contact_message);
Mail::to($recipient)->send(new NotificationEmail(
"title" => $request->contact_subject,
"details" => $message_details,
"from_email" => $request->contact_email,
"from_name" => $request->contact_name
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return "OK";
public function subscribeSubmit(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'subscribe_name' => 'required',
'subscribe_email' => 'required|email'
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
$Contacts = Contact::where('email', $request->subscribe_email)->get();
if (count($Contacts) > 0) {
return __('frontend.subscribeToOurNewsletterError');
} else {
$subscribe_names = explode(' ', $request->subscribe_name, 2);
$Contact = new Contact;
$Contact->group_id = $WebmasterSettings->newsletter_contacts_group;
$Contact->first_name = @$subscribe_names[0];
$Contact->last_name = @$subscribe_names[1];
$Contact->email = $request->subscribe_email;
$Contact->status = 1;
return "OK";
public function commentSubmit(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'comment_name' => 'required',
'comment_message' => 'required',
'topic_id' => 'required',
'comment_email' => 'required|email'
if (env('NOCAPTCHA_STATUS', false)) {
$this->validate($request, [
'g-recaptcha-response' => 'required|captcha'
// Topic details
$Topic = Topic::where('status', 1)->find($request->topic_id);
if (!empty($Topic)) {
$next_nor_no = Comment::where('topic_id', '=', $request->topic_id)->max('row_no');
if ($next_nor_no < 1) {
$next_nor_no = 1;
} else {
$Comment = new Comment;
$Comment->row_no = $next_nor_no;
$Comment->name = $request->comment_name;
$Comment->email = $request->comment_email;
$Comment->comment = $request->comment_message;
$Comment->topic_id = $request->topic_id;;
$Comment->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Comment->status = (@Helper::GeneralWebmasterSettings('new_comments_status')) ? 1 : 0;
$site_email = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("site_webmails");
$tpc_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$tpc_title = $Topic->$tpc_title_var;
// SEND Notification Email
if (@Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('notify_comments_status')) {
try {
$recipient = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $site_email));
$message_details = __('frontend.name') . ": " . $request->comment_name . "<hr>" . __('frontend.email') . ": " . $request->comment_email . "<hr>" . __('frontend.comment') . ":<br>" . nl2br($request->comment_message);
Mail::to($recipient)->send(new NotificationEmail(
"title" => "Comment: " . $tpc_title,
"details" => $message_details,
"from_email" => $request->comment_email,
"from_name" => $request->comment_name
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return "OK";
public function orderSubmit(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'order_name' => 'required',
'order_phone' => 'required',
'topic_id' => 'required',
'order_email' => 'required|email'
if (env('NOCAPTCHA_STATUS', false)) {
$this->validate($request, [
'g-recaptcha-response' => 'required|captcha'
$site_title_var = "site_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_email = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("site_webmails");
$Topic = Topic::where('status', 1)->find($request->topic_id);
if (!empty($Topic)) {
$tpc_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$tpc_title = $Topic->$tpc_title_var;
$Webmail = new Webmail;
$Webmail->cat_id = 0;
$Webmail->group_id = 2;
$Webmail->contact_id = null;
$Webmail->father_id = null;
$Webmail->title = "ORDER: " . $Topic->$tpc_title_var;
$Webmail->details = $request->order_message;
$Webmail->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Webmail->from_email = $request->order_email;
$Webmail->from_name = $request->order_name;
$Webmail->from_phone = $request->order_phone;
$Webmail->to_email = $site_email;
$Webmail->to_name = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_title_var);
$Webmail->status = 0;
$Webmail->flag = 0;
// SEND Notification Email
if (@Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('notify_orders_status')) {
try {
$recipient = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $site_email));
$message_details = __('frontend.name') . ": " . $request->order_name . "<hr>" . __('frontend.phone') . ": " . $request->order_phone . "<hr>" . __('frontend.email') . ": " . $request->order_email . "<hr>" . __('frontend.notes') . ":<br>" . nl2br($request->order_message);
Mail::to($recipient)->send(new NotificationEmail(
"title" => "Order: " . $tpc_title,
"details" => $message_details,
"from_email" => $request->order_email,
"from_name" => $request->order_name
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return "OK";
public function latest_topics($section_id, $limit = 3)
return Topic::where([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $section_id], ['expire_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d")], ['expire_date', '<>', null]])->orwhere([['status', 1], ['webmaster_id', $section_id], ['expire_date', null]])->orderby('row_no', 'desc')->limit($limit)->get();
public function close_check()
// Check the website Status
$site_status = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("site_status");
$site_msg = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("close_msg");
if (!@Auth::check()) {
if ($site_status == 0) {
// close the website
$site_title = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('site_title_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code);
$site_desc = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('site_desc_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code);
$site_keywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings('site_keywords_' . Helper::currentLanguage()->code);
echo "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\"en\">
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$site_desc\"/>
<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"$site_keywords\"/>
<div style='text-align: center;'>
public function public_form($section = 0)
$lang = App::getLocale();
// General Webmaster Settings
$WebmasterSettings = WebmasterSetting::find(1);
// get Webmaster section settings by name
$Current_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$Default_Slug = "seo_url_slug_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::where($Current_Slug, $section)->orwhere($Default_Slug, $section)->first();
if (empty($WebmasterSection) && is_numeric($section)) {
// get Webmaster section settings by ID
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find($section);
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
// Get the Latest News
$LatestNews = $this->latest_topics($WebmasterSettings->latest_news_section_id);
// Page Title, Description, Keywords
$site_desc_var = "site_desc_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_keywords_var = "site_keywords_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$title_var2 = "title_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
if ($WebmasterSection->$title_var != "") {
$PageTitle = $WebmasterSection->$title_var;
} else {
$PageTitle = $WebmasterSection->$title_var2;
$PageDescription = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_desc_var);
$PageKeywords = Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_keywords_var);
// end of Page Title, Description, Keywords
return view("frontEnd.form_page",
} else {
return $this->SEOByLang($lang, $section);
public function formSubmit(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'WebmasterSectionId' => 'required',
'photo_file' => 'mimes:png,jpeg,jpg,gif,svg',
'audio_file' => 'mimes:mpga,wav,mp3', // mpga = mp3
'video_file' => 'mimes:mp4,ogv,webm'
if (env('NOCAPTCHA_STATUS', false)) {
$this->validate($request, [
'g-recaptcha-response' => 'required|captcha'
$WebmasterSection = WebmasterSection::find(decrypt($request->WebmasterSectionId));
if (!empty($WebmasterSection)) {
$webmasterId = $WebmasterSection->id;
$uploadPath = "uploads/topics/";
$next_nor_no = Topic::where('webmaster_id', '=', $webmasterId)->max('row_no');
if ($next_nor_no < 1) {
$next_nor_no = 1;
} else {
// Start of Upload Files
$formFileName = "photo_file";
$fileFinalName = "";
if ($request->$formFileName != "") {
$fileFinalName = time() . rand(1111,
9999) . '.' . $request->file($formFileName)->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->file($formFileName)->move($uploadPath, $fileFinalName);
$formFileName = "attach_file";
$attachFileFinalName = "";
if ($request->$formFileName != "") {
$attachFileFinalName = time() . rand(1111,
9999) . '.' . $request->file($formFileName)->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->file($formFileName)->move($uploadPath, $attachFileFinalName);
// End of Upload Files
// create new topic
$Topic = new Topic;
// Save topic details
$Topic->row_no = $next_nor_no;
foreach (Helper::languagesList() as $ActiveLanguage) {
if ($ActiveLanguage->box_status) {
$Topic->{"title_" . $ActiveLanguage->code} = $request->title;
$Topic->{"details_" . $ActiveLanguage->code} = $request->details;
// meta info
$Topic->{"seo_title_" . $ActiveLanguage->code} = $request->title;
$Topic->{"seo_description_" . $ActiveLanguage->code} = mb_substr(strip_tags(stripslashes($request->details)), 0, 165, 'UTF-8');
$Topic->{"seo_url_slug_" . $ActiveLanguage->code} = Helper::URLSlug($request->title, "topic", 0);
$Topic->date = Helper::dateForDB($request->date);
if (@$request->expire_date != "") {
$Topic->expire_date = Helper::dateForDB($request->expire_date);
if ($fileFinalName != "") {
$Topic->photo_file = $fileFinalName;
if ($attachFileFinalName != "") {
$Topic->attach_file = $attachFileFinalName;
$Topic->icon = $request->icon;
$Topic->video_type = $request->video_type;
$Topic->webmaster_id = $webmasterId;
$Topic->created_by = @Auth::user()->id;
$Topic->visits = 0;
$Topic->section_id = 0;
$Topic->status = 0;
$Topic->topic_id = @$request->TopicID;
if ($request->section_id > 0) {
// Save categories
$TopicCategory = new TopicCategory;
$TopicCategory->topic_id = $Topic->id;
$TopicCategory->section_id = $request->section_id;
// Save additional Fields
if (count($WebmasterSection->customFields) > 0) {
foreach ($WebmasterSection->customFields as $customField) {
// check permission
$add_permission_groups = [];
if ($customField->add_permission_groups != "") {
$add_permission_groups = explode(",", $customField->add_permission_groups);
$field_value_var = "customField_" . $customField->id;
if ($request->$field_value_var != "") {
if ($customField->type == 8 || $customField->type == 9 || $customField->type == 10) {
// upload file
if ($request->$field_value_var != "") {
$uploadedFileFinalName = time() . rand(1111,
9999) . '.' . $request->file($field_value_var)->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->file($field_value_var)->move($uploadPath, $uploadedFileFinalName);
$field_value = $uploadedFileFinalName;
} elseif ($customField->type == 5) {
if ($request->$field_value_var != "") {
$field_value = Helper::dateForDB($request->$field_value_var, 1);
} elseif ($customField->type == 4) {
if ($request->$field_value_var != "") {
$field_value = Helper::dateForDB($request->$field_value_var);
} elseif ($customField->type == 7) {
// if multi check
$field_value = implode(", ", $request->$field_value_var);
} else {
$field_value = $request->$field_value_var;
$TopicField = new TopicField;
$TopicField->topic_id = $Topic->id;
$TopicField->field_id = $customField->id;
$TopicField->field_value = $field_value;
// SEND Notification Email
$this->send_notification($WebmasterSection, $Topic, "New");
return redirect()->back()->with('doneMessage', __('backend.submitDone'));
return redirect()->action('HomeController@HomePage');
public function send_notification($WebmasterSection, $Topic, $Case = "")
try {
$site_email = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings("site_webmails");
$recipient = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $site_email));
$no_reply_email = @Helper::GeneralWebmasterSettings("mail_no_replay");
$site_title_var = "site_title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$site_title = @Helper::GeneralSiteSettings($site_title_var);
$tpc_title = @$Topic->{'title_' . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code};
$FromTopicTitle = "";
if (@$Topic->topic_id > 0) {
$FromTopic = Topic::find(@$Topic->topic_id);
$FromTopicTitle = @$FromTopic->{'title_' . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code};
$fields_details = "";
try {
if (count($Topic->webmasterSection->customFields) > 0) {
$fields_details .= "<hr>";
$cf_title_var = "title_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$cf_title_var2 = "title_" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
$i = 0;
foreach ($Topic->webmasterSection->customFields as $customField) {
if ($customField->$cf_title_var != "") {
$cf_title = $customField->$cf_title_var;
} else {
$cf_title = $customField->$cf_title_var2;
$cf_saved_val = "";
$cf_saved_val_array = array();
if (count($Topic->fields) > 0) {
foreach ($Topic->fields as $t_field) {
if ($t_field->field_id == $customField->id) {
if ($customField->type == 7) {
// if multi check
$cf_saved_val_array = explode(", ", $t_field->field_value);
} else {
$cf_saved_val = $t_field->field_value;
if (($cf_saved_val != "" || count($cf_saved_val_array) > 0) && ($customField->lang_code == "all" || $customField->lang_code == @Helper::currentLanguage()->code)) {
if ($customField->type == 12) {
} elseif ($customField->type == 11) {
} elseif ($customField->type == 10) {
} elseif ($customField->type == 9) {
} elseif ($customField->type == 8) {
} elseif ($customField->type == 7) {
$cf_details_var = "details_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$cf_details_var2 = "details_en" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
if ($customField->$cf_details_var != "") {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var;
} else {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var2;
$cf_details_lines = preg_split('/\r\n|[\r\n]/', $cf_details);
$line_num = 1;
$fields_details .= "<div><strong>" . $cf_title . " : </strong>";
foreach ($cf_details_lines as $cf_details_line) {
if (in_array($line_num, $cf_saved_val_array)) {
$fields_details .= "<div>" . $cf_details_line . "</div>";
$fields_details .= "</div>";
} elseif ($customField->type == 6) {
$cf_details_var = "details_" . @Helper::currentLanguage()->code;
$cf_details_var2 = "details_en" . env('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE');
if ($customField->$cf_details_var != "") {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var;
} else {
$cf_details = $customField->$cf_details_var2;
$cf_details_lines = preg_split('/\r\n|[\r\n]/', $cf_details);
$line_num = 1;
$fields_details .= "<div><strong>" . $cf_title . " : </strong>";
foreach ($cf_details_lines as $cf_details_line) {
if ($line_num == $cf_saved_val) {
$fields_details .= "<div>" . $cf_details_line . "</div>";
$fields_details .= "</div>";
} elseif ($customField->type == 5) {
$fields_details .= "<div><strong>" . $cf_title . " : </strong>" . Helper::dateForDB($cf_saved_val, 1) . "</div>";
} elseif ($customField->type == 4) {
$fields_details .= "<div><strong>" . $cf_title . " : </strong>" . Helper::dateForDB($cf_saved_val) . "</div>";
} else {
if ($tpc_title == "") {
$tpc_title = $cf_saved_val;
$fields_details .= "<div><strong>" . $cf_title . " : </strong>" . $cf_saved_val . "</div>";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$message_details = "<h3>" . $tpc_title . "</h3>" . $FromTopicTitle . $fields_details . "<hr><a href='" . route("topicsEdit", [@$WebmasterSection->id, @$Topic->id]) . "'>View All Details</a>";
Mail::to($recipient)->send(new NotificationEmail(
"title" => $Case . ": " . (($FromTopicTitle != "") ? $FromTopicTitle : $tpc_title),
"details" => $message_details,
"from_email" => $no_reply_email,
"from_name" => $site_title
} catch (\Exception $e) {
@LwBee Strong Bypass
Upload File
Create New File