return array (
'records' => 'records',
'of' => 'of',
'home' => 'Home',
'main' => 'Main',
'siteData' => 'Site Data',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'visitorsAnalytics' => 'Analytics',
'visitorsAnalyticsBydate' => 'By date',
'visitorsAnalyticsByCity' => 'City',
'visitorsAnalyticsByRegion' => 'Region',
'visitorsAnalyticsByAddress' => 'Address',
'visitorsAnalyticsByCountry' => 'Country',
'visitorsAnalyticsByOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system',
'visitorsAnalyticsByBrowser' => 'Browser',
'visitorsAnalyticsByScreenResolution' => 'Screen resolution',
'visitorsAnalyticsByReachWay' => 'Reach way',
'visitorsAnalyticsByHostName' => 'Host name',
'visitorsAnalyticsByOrganization' => 'Organization',
'visitorsAnalyticsVisitorsHistory' => 'Visitors History',
'visitorsAnalyticsIPInquiry' => 'IP Inquiry',
'visitorsAnalyticsLastVisit' => 'Last Visit',
'members' => 'Members',
'adsBanners' => 'Ad. Banners',
'siteInbox' => 'Inbox',
'newsletter' => 'Contacts',
'calendar' => 'Calendar',
'generalSiteSettings' => 'Website Settings',
'webmasterTools' => 'Webmaster',
'generalSettings' => 'General Settings',
'siteSectionsSettings' => 'Site Sections',
'adsBannersSettings' => 'Banners settings',
'languageSettings' => 'Locale settings',
'siteMenus' => 'Site Menus',
'usersPermissions' => 'Users & Permissions',
'shoppingCart' => 'Shopping Cart',
'orders' => 'Orders',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'checkAll' => 'Check all',
'profile' => 'Profile',
'search' => 'Search',
'new' => 'New',
'add' => ' Add ',
'update' => 'Save Changes',
'save' => 'Save',
'saveOrder' => 'Save Order',
'edit' => 'Edit',
'delete' => 'Delete',
'undoDelete' => 'Undo Delete',
'cancel' => 'Cancel',
'apply' => 'Apply',
'active' => 'Active',
'notActive' => 'Not Active',
'status' => 'Status',
'visits' => 'Visits',
'contents' => 'Contents',
'options' => 'Options',
'showing' => 'Showing',
'bulkAction' => 'Bulk action',
'activeSelected' => 'Active selected',
'blockSelected' => 'Block selected',
'deleteSelected' => 'Delete selected',
'confirmation' => 'Confirmation',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'confirmationDeleteMsg' => 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
'sectionsOf' => 'Categories of ',
'comments' => 'Comments',
'videoTypes' => 'Extensions: .mp4, .ogv, .webm',
'imagesTypes' => 'Extensions: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .svg',
'audioTypes' => 'Extensions: .mp3, .wav',
'attachTypes' => 'Extensions: (* ALL)',
'addDone' => 'New record has been Added successfully',
'saveDone' => 'Modifications you have made saved successfully',
'deleteDone' => 'Data was deleted successfully',
'error' => 'There is an error, please try again',
'noData' => 'There is no data here up to now',
'appsSettings' => 'Active Apps',
'fieldsSettings' => 'Fields Settings',
'frontSettings' => 'Frontend Settings',
'arabicLanguageFields' => 'Arabic language fields',
'englishLanguageFields' => 'English language fields',
'seoTab' => 'SEO Tab',
'seoTabTitle' => 'SEO Settings',
'defaultCurrency' => 'Default currency',
'commentsStatus' => 'Comments Status',
'automaticPublish' => 'Automatic Publish',
'manualByAdmin' => 'Manual By Admin',
'headerMenu' => 'Header Menu',
'footerMenu' => 'Footer Menu',
'homeSlideBanners' => 'Home Page Slide Show Banners',
'homeTextBanners' => 'Home Page Text Banners',
'none' => 'None',
'newsletterGroup' => 'Newsletter Emails Group (within contacts)',
'homeRow1' => 'Home Page Contents ROW 1',
'homeRow2' => 'Home Page Contents ROW 2',
'homeRow3' => 'Latest Topic (within footer)',
'contactPageId' => 'Contact Us Page (Details & Maps)',
'activeLanguages' => 'Active Languages',
'activeLanguages1' => 'One Language ( Default in .env )',
'activeLanguages2' => 'All Languages',
'homeBanners' => 'Home Banners',
'textBanners' => 'Text Banners',
'sideBanners' => 'Side Banners',
'sectionName' => 'Section title',
'sectionType' => 'Section type',
'sectionNew' => 'New section',
'sectionEdit' => 'Edit section',
'sectionIcon' => 'Icon',
'sectionFather' => 'Father Section',
'sectionNoFather' => 'Father Section',
'size' => 'Size',
'width' => 'Width',
'height' => 'Height',
'descriptionBox' => 'Box for description',
'linkBox' => 'Box for URL',
'sectionTypeCode' => 'Code / Text',
'sectionTypePhoto' => 'Photo',
'sectionTypeVideo' => 'Video',
'langVar' => 'Language Variable',
'sitePages' => 'Site pages',
'photos' => 'Photos',
'blog' => 'Blog',
'services' => 'Services',
'news' => 'News',
'videos' => 'Videos',
'sounds' => 'Audio',
'products' => 'Products',
'typeTextPages' => 'General',
'typePhotos' => 'Photos',
'typeVideos' => 'Videos',
'typeSounds' => 'Audio',
'hasCategories' => 'Categories',
'reviewsAvailable' => 'Comments Available',
'dateField' => 'Date Field',
'longTextField' => 'Long Text Field',
'allowEditor' => 'Allow Editor',
'attachFileField' => 'Attach File Field',
'additionalImages' => 'Additional Images',
'attachGoogleMaps' => 'Attach Google Maps',
'attachOrderForm' => 'Attach Order Form',
'withoutCategories' => 'Without Categories',
'mainCategoriesOnly' => 'Main categories only',
'mainAndSubCategories' => 'Main and sub categories',
'sectionIconPicker' => 'Section Icon (Picker)',
'topicsIconPicker' => 'Topics Icon (Picker)',
'iconPicker' => 'Icon (Picker)',
'siteInfoSettings' => 'Website Info',
'siteStatusSettings' => 'Website Status',
'siteSocialSettings' => 'Social Links',
'siteContactsSettings' => 'Contacts',
'websiteTitle' => 'Website Title',
'metaDescription' => 'Meta Description',
'metaKeywords' => 'Meta Keywords',
'websiteUrl' => 'Website URL',
'websiteNotificationEmail' => 'Website Notification Email',
'websiteNotificationEmail1' => 'Send me an email on new contact Messages',
'websiteNotificationEmail2' => 'Send me an email on new Comments',
'websiteNotificationEmail3' => 'Send me an email on new Orders',
'emailNotifications' => 'Notification Settings',
'contactAddress' => 'Address',
'contactPhone' => 'Phone',
'contactFax' => 'Fax',
'contactMobile' => 'Mobile',
'contactEmail' => 'Email',
'worksTime' => 'Working Time',
'siteStatusSettingsPublished' => 'Published',
'siteStatusSettingsClosed' => 'Closed',
'siteStatusSettingsMsg' => 'Close Message',
'facebook' => 'Facebook',
'twitter' => 'Twitter',
'google' => 'Google+',
'linkedin' => 'Linkedin',
'youtube' => 'Youtube',
'instagram' => 'Instagram',
'pinterest' => 'Pinterest',
'tumblr' => 'Tumblr',
'flickr' => 'Flickr',
'snapchat' => 'Snapchat',
'whatapp' => 'Whatsapp',
'styleSettings' => 'Style Settings',
'siteLogo' => 'Site Logo',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'appleIcon' => 'Apple Icon',
'styleColor1' => 'Style Color 1',
'styleColor2' => 'Style Color 2',
'restoreDefault' => 'Restore Default',
'layoutMode' => 'Layout Mode',
'wide' => 'Wide',
'boxed' => 'Boxed',
'backgroundStyle' => 'Background Style',
'colorBackground' => 'Color Background',
'patternsBackground' => 'Pattern Background',
'imageBackground' => 'Image Background',
'newsletterSubscribe' => 'Newsletter Subscribe',
'footerStyle' => 'Footer Style',
'footerStyleBg' => 'Footer Background',
'preLoad' => 'Preloader',
'bannerAdd' => 'Add New Banner',
'bannerEdit' => 'Edit Banner',
'bannerTitle' => 'Banner Title',
'bannerSection' => 'Section',
'bannerPhoto' => 'Photo',
'bannerDetails' => 'Details',
'bannerLinkUrl' => 'Banner URL',
'bannerVideoType' => 'Video type',
'bannerVideoType1' => 'Direct video',
'bannerVideoType2' => 'Youtube',
'bannerVideoType3' => 'Vimeo',
'bannerVideoFile' => 'Video File',
'bannerVideoUrl' => 'Youtube video URL',
'bannerVideoUrl2' => 'Vimeo video URL',
'bannerCode' => 'Banner Code',
'topicNew' => 'New ',
'topicEdit' => 'Edit ',
'topicName' => 'Title',
'topicPhoto' => 'Photo',
'topicSection' => 'Section',
'topicSelectSection' => 'Choose Section',
'topicDate' => 'Date',
'topicAudio' => 'Audio File',
'topicVideo' => 'Video File',
'topicAttach' => 'Attach File',
'topicDeletedSection' => 'No parent section',
'topicTabSection' => 'Section Details',
'topicTabDetails' => 'Topic Details',
'topicSEOTitle' => 'Page title',
'topicSEODesc' => 'Meta Description',
'topicSEOKeywords' => 'Meta Keywords',
'topicAdditionalPhotos' => 'Photos',
'topicGoogleMaps' => 'Google Maps',
'topicDropFiles' => 'Drop photos here or click to upload',
'topicDropFiles2' => 'You can upload many photos at the same time',
'topicCommentName' => 'Name',
'topicCommentEmail' => 'Email',
'topicComment' => 'Comment',
'topicNewComment' => 'New Comment',
'topicNewMap' => 'New Map',
'topicMapTitle' => 'Map Title',
'topicMapDetails' => 'Details',
'topicMapLocation' => 'Location',
'topicMapIcon' => 'Icon',
'topicMapClick' => 'Click on the location to add New Marker',
'topicMapORClick' => 'OR click here to add Manually',
'allContacts' => 'All Contacts',
'waitActivation' => 'Wait Activation',
'blockedContacts' => 'Blocked Contacts',
'newGroup' => 'New Group',
'newContacts' => 'New Contact',
'editContacts' => 'Edit Contact',
'deleteContacts' => 'Delete Contact',
'searchAllContacts' => 'Search all contacts',
'firstName' => 'First Name',
'lastName' => 'Last Name',
'companyName' => 'Company Name',
'city' => 'City',
'country' => 'Country',
'notes' => 'Notes',
'group' => 'Group',
'sendEmail' => 'Send Email',
'callNow' => 'Call Now',
'selectFile' => 'Select file',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'inbox' => 'Inbox',
'sent' => 'Sent',
'draft' => 'Draft',
'compose' => 'Compose',
'makeAsRead' => 'Make as read',
'makeAsUnread' => 'Make as unread',
'moveTo' => 'Move to ',
'replay' => 'Replay',
'forward' => 'Forward',
'sendTo' => 'To',
'sendFrom' => 'From',
'sendCc' => 'Cc',
'sendBcc' => 'Bcc',
'sendTitle' => 'Title',
'SaveToDraft' => 'Save to draft',
'send' => 'Send',
'print' => 'Print',
'AttachFiles' => 'Attach Files',
'newEvent' => 'New Event / Note',
'eventTotal' => 'Total',
'eventTitle' => 'Title',
'eventStart' => 'Event Start',
'eventEnd' => 'Event End',
'eventStart2' => 'Start',
'eventEnd2' => 'End',
'eventDetails' => 'Details',
'eventNote' => 'Note',
'eventMeeting' => 'Meeting',
'eventEvent' => 'Event',
'eventTask' => 'Task',
'eventType' => 'Type',
'eventAt' => 'At',
'eventToday' => 'Today',
'eventDay' => 'Day',
'eventWeek' => 'Week',
'eventMonth' => 'Month',
'eventDelete' => 'Delete this note/Event?',
'eventClear' => 'Delete All notes & events?',
'diagram' => 'Diagram',
'barDiagram' => 'Showing data as a bar diagram',
'visitors' => 'Visitors',
'ip' => 'IP',
'pageViews' => 'Page Views',
'today' => 'Today',
'yesterday' => 'Yesterday',
'last7Days' => 'Last 7 Days',
'last30Days' => 'Last 30 Days',
'thisMonth' => 'This Month',
'lastMonth' => 'Last Month',
'applyFrom' => 'From',
'applyTo' => 'To',
'customRange' => 'Custom Range',
'weekDays' => '"Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"',
'monthsNames' => '"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"',
'activity' => 'Activity',
'activitiesHistory' => 'Activities History',
'newUser' => 'Add a new user',
'editUser' => 'Edit User',
'fullName' => 'Full Name',
'Permission' => 'Permission',
'Permission1' => 'Webmaster',
'Permission2' => 'Website Manager ( Full Features )',
'Permission3' => 'Limited User ( no delete )',
'Permission4' => 'Review User ( View Only )',
'personalPhoto' => 'Personal Photo',
'loginEmail' => 'Login Email',
'loginPassword' => 'Login Password',
'users' => 'Users',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'newPermissions' => 'New Permission',
'title' => 'Title',
'dataManagements' => 'Data Managements',
'dataManagements1' => 'His Own Data Only (for Personal Accounts)',
'dataManagements2' => 'All Users Data (for General Administration Accounts)',
'activeApps' => 'Active Apps',
'activeSiteSections' => 'Active Site Sections',
'addPermission' => 'ADD Permission',
'editPermission' => 'EDIT Permission',
'deletePermission' => 'DELETE Permission',
'viewOnly' => 'VIEW ONLY',
'editPermissions' => 'Edit Permissions',
'perAdd' => 'ADD',
'perEdit' => 'EDIT',
'perDelete' => 'DELETE',
'selectPermissionsType' => 'Select Permissions Type',
'newLink' => 'New Link',
'newMenu' => 'New Menu',
'menuTitle' => 'Menu Title',
'editSection' => 'Edit Link',
'linkType' => 'Link Type',
'linkType1' => 'Main Title',
'linkType2' => 'Direct Link',
'linkType3' => 'Main Section',
'linkType4' => 'Drop list',
'linkURL' => 'Link URL',
'linkSection' => 'Link Section',
'sectionTitle' => 'Link/Section Title',
'fatherSection' => 'Father Section',
'latestMessages' => 'Messages',
'notesEvents' => 'Notes & Events',
'latestContacts' => 'New Contacts',
'more' => 'More',
'viewMore' => 'View More',
'addNew' => 'Add New',
'reports' => 'Reports',
'reportsDetails' => 'You can view more reports',
'hi' => 'Hi',
'welcomeBack' => 'Welcome back',
'lastFor7Days' => 'Visitors for the last 7 Days',
'todayByCountry' => 'Today by country',
'browsers' => 'Browsers',
'browsersCalculated' => 'Calculated in last 7 days',
'visitorsRate' => 'Visitors Rate',
'visitorsRateToday' => 'Visitors rate over the current day',
'pages' => 'Pages',
'sections' => 'Sections',
'resultsFoundFor' => 'Results found for',
'connectEmailToConnect' => 'Connect to webmail account',
'connectEmail' => 'Email',
'connectPassword' => 'Password',
'openWebmail' => 'Open Webmail',
'themeSwitcher' => 'Theme Switcher',
'foldedAside' => 'Folded Aside',
'boxedLayout' => 'Boxed Layout',
'themes' => 'Themes',
'themes1' => 'LIGHT',
'themes2' => 'GREY',
'themes3' => 'Dark',
'themes4' => 'Black',
'language' => 'Language',
'change' => 'Change',
'sitePreview' => 'website',
'oops' => 'OOPS',
'noPermission' => 'Sorry! You don\'t have permission to view this page',
'notFound' => 'The page you are looking for can\'t be found',
'forgotPassword' => 'Forgot password?',
'signIn' => 'Sign in',
'keepMeSignedIn' => 'Keep me signed in',
'signedInToControl' => 'Sign in to CONTROL',
'control' => 'Smartend',
'resetPassword' => 'Reset Password',
'confirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password',
'newPassword' => 'New Password',
'yourEmail' => 'Your Email',
'sendPasswordResetLink' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
'returnTo' => 'Return Back',
'enterYourEmail' => 'Enter your email address below and we will send you instructions on how to change your password.',
'expireDateField' => 'Expire Date Field',
'expireDate' => 'Expire Date',
'expired' => 'Expired',
'additionalFiles' => 'Additional Files',
'relatedTopics' => 'Related Topics',
'relatedTopicsAdd' => 'Add Related Topics',
'relatedTopicsSelect' => 'Select Site Section To load Topics',
'customFields' => 'Custom Fields',
'customFieldsTitle' => 'Field Title',
'customFieldsType' => 'Field Type',
'customFieldsStatus' => 'Field Status',
'customFieldsNewField' => 'Add New Field',
'customFieldsEditField' => 'Field Edit',
'customFieldsRequired' => 'Required',
'customFieldsOptional' => 'Optional',
'customFieldsDefault' => 'Default Value',
'customFieldsOptions' => 'Options',
'customFieldsOptionsHelp' => 'Type every option on separate line',
'customFieldsForAllLang' => 'For All Languages',
'customFieldsType0' => 'Text Box',
'customFieldsType1' => 'Text Area',
'customFieldsType2' => 'Number',
'customFieldsType3' => 'Email Address',
'customFieldsType4' => 'Date',
'customFieldsType5' => 'Date & Time',
'customFieldsType6' => 'Select',
'customFieldsType7' => 'Multi Check',
'customFieldsType8' => 'Photo File',
'customFieldsType9' => 'Attach File',
'customFieldsType10' => 'Video File',
'customFieldsType11' => 'Youtube Video Link',
'customFieldsType12' => 'Vimeo Video Link',
'optionalFields' => 'Optional Fields',
'additionalTabs' => 'Additional Tabs',
'active_disable' => 'Active/Disable',
'friendlyURL' => 'Friendly URL',
'seoTabSettings' => 'Mange your page title, meta description, keywords and unique friendly URL. This help you to manage how this topic shows up on search engines.',
'friendlyURLinks' => 'Frontend URLs type',
'friendlyURLinks1' => 'Default URLs',
'friendlyURLinks2' => 'Search engine friendly URLs',
'registrationSettings' => 'Login Settings',
'allowRegister' => 'Allow registration for Backend',
'permissionForNewUsers' => 'Permission group for new registrations/users',
'createNewAccount' => 'Create a new account',
'restfulAPI' => 'RESTful API',
'APIStatus' => 'RESTful API status',
'APIKey' => 'API key',
'APIKeyGenerate' => 'Generate a new API key',
'APIKeyConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to generate a new API key?',
'homeRow_3' => 'Home Page Contents ROW 3',
'partners' => 'Partners',
'cashClear' => 'Clear cache & temp files?',
'cashClearMsg' => 'Are you sure to clear cache & temp files?',
'cashClearDone' => 'Cache & temp files Cleared Successfully',
'mailSettings' => 'Mail Settings',
'mailDriver' => 'Mail Driver',
'mailHost' => 'Mail Host',
'mailPort' => 'Mail Port',
'mailUsername' => 'Mail Username',
'mailPassword' => 'Mail Password',
'mailEncryption' => 'Mail Encryption',
'mailNoReplay' => 'From Email',
'googleRecaptcha' => 'Google reCAPTCHA',
'googleRecaptchaStatus' => 'Google reCAPTCHA Status',
'googleRecaptchaSecret' => 'NOCAPTCHA_SECRET',
'googleRecaptchaSitekey' => 'NOCAPTCHA_SITEKEY',
'googleTags' => 'Google Tags',
'googleTagsStatus' => 'Google Tags Status',
'googleTagsContainerId' => 'Container Id',
'googleTagsCode' => 'Or you can paste your Google code directly here',
'defaultLanguage' => 'Default Language',
'topicsPerPage' => 'Topics per page',
'googleMaps' => 'Google Maps',
'googleMapsKey' => 'Google Maps API Key',
'googleMapsStatus' => 'Google Maps Status',
'loginWithFacebook' => 'Login with Facebook',
'loginWithTwitter' => 'Login with Twitter',
'loginWithGoogle' => 'Login with Google',
'loginWithLinkedIn' => 'Login with LinkedIn',
'loginWithGitHub' => 'Login with GitHub',
'loginWithBitbucket' => 'Login with Bitbucket',
'loginAppID' => 'App ID',
'loginAppSecret' => 'App Secret',
'loginConsumerAppKey' => 'API Key',
'loginConsumerAppSecret' => 'API Secret',
'loginClientID' => 'Client ID',
'loginClientSecret' => 'Client Secret',
'loginKey' => 'Key',
'loginSecret' => 'Secret',
'callbackURL' => 'Callback URL',
'NoEmailReturned' => 'No email id returned from',
'UnableToLogin' => 'Unable to login, try with another provider to login.',
'notCurrentlySupported' => ' is not currently supported',
'timezone' => 'Timezone',
'dashboardLink' => 'Show dashboard Link',
'fixedHeader' => 'Fixed Header',
'messageSentSuccessfully' => 'Message sent successfully',
'topicsOrderInFront' => 'Topics order in front',
'topicsOrderInFrontAsc' => 'Ascending by date',
'topicsOrderInFrontDesc' => 'Descending by date',
'languages' => 'Languages',
'addNewLanguage' => 'Add New Language',
'updateTranslation' => 'Update Translation',
'updateLanguage' => 'Edit Language',
'deleteLanguage' => 'Delete Language',
'languageCode' => 'Language Code',
'languageTitle' => 'Language Title',
'languageDirection' => 'Page Direction',
'languageIcon' => 'Language Flag',
'languageInputFields' => 'Input Fields',
'languageExist' => 'Error: This language is already exist.',
'categoryName' => 'Category title',
'categoryNew' => 'New Category',
'categoryEdit' => 'Edit Category',
'categoryFather' => 'Father Category',
'categoryNoFather' => 'No father category',
'topicTabCategory' => 'Category Details',
'apiURL' => 'API URL',
'apiDocs' => 'API Documentation',
'seoFixUrls' => 'Repair URLs',
'seoFixUrlsService' => 'This service helps you to fix and add links to all topics and sections that dos not have custom URL in SEO Tab.',
'seoFixUrlsStart' => 'Start repair process now',
'seoFixUrlsConfirm' => 'Do you really want to continue and repair empty links to topics and sections?',
'seoFixUrlsDone' => 'Empty URL has been repaired Successfully for all topics and sections',
'categories' => 'Categories',
'addNewBannerType' => 'Add new banner type',
'editBannerType' => 'Edit banner type',
'private' => 'Private Data',
'showFieldInTable' => 'Show in list table',
'showFieldInSearch' => 'Show in filter form',
'showFieldInListing' => 'Show in frontend listing',
'showFieldInPage' => 'Show in topic page',
'viewDetails' => 'Details',
'searchFor' => 'Search For',
'controlPanelPath' => 'Control Panel Path',
'analyticsSettings' => 'Analytics Settings',
'analyticsService' => 'Analytics Service',
'analyticsApiKey' => 'API Key',
'analyticsApiMsg' => 'You can get your own Api key from one of these services',
'usingService' => 'Using service of',
'continent' => 'Continent',
'smtpCheck' => 'Check SMTP Connection',
'smtpCheckSuccess' => 'SMTP Connection Success',
'smtpCheckSuccessMsg' => 'SMTP Connection Success .. Information is correct.',
'mailTestFailed' => 'Unable to send test email',
'mailTestSuccess' => 'Test email sent successfully',
'sendTestMail' => 'Send a Test Mail',
'sendTestMailTo' => '( You need to save settings before sending test ) \\n Type Email to send',
'sendTestMailError' => 'You type incorrect email address',
'close' => 'Close',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'messageTemplate' => 'Email Template',
'messageTitle' => 'Message Title',
'messageDetails' => 'Message Details',
'dataTablesTranslation' =>
array (
'sEmptyTable' => 'No data available in table',
'sInfo' => 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries',
'sInfoEmpty' => 'Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries',
'sInfoFiltered' => '(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)',
'sInfoPostFix' => '',
'sInfoThousands' => ',',
'sLengthMenu' => 'Show _MENU_',
'sLoadingRecords' => 'Loading...',
'sProcessing' => 'Processing...',
'sSearch' => 'Search:',
'sZeroRecords' => 'No matching records found',
'oPaginate' =>
array (
'sFirst' => 'First',
'sLast' => 'Last',
'sNext' => 'Next',
'sPrevious' => 'Previous',
'oAria' =>
array (
'sSortAscending' => ': activate to sort column ascending',
'sSortDescending' => ': activate to sort column descending',
'cssClass' => 'CSS Class',
'cssCustom' => 'Custom CSS',
'tableView' => 'Data Table',
'showStatics' => 'Show As Statics',
'titleField' => 'Title Field',
'photoField' => 'Attach Photo Field',
'caseField' => 'Status Field',
'visitsField' => 'Visits Field',
'generalDesc' => 'Used for general topic sections like news, blog, services, products .. etc.',
'photoDesc' => 'Used for photo gallery sections to list and pop up images albums.',
'videoDesc' => 'Used for videos sections, can attach videos or add from youtube & vimeo urls.',
'audioDesc' => 'Used to list mp3 audio files with audio player, you can attach audio files.',
'tableDesc' => 'Used to list data or analytics as a table view in dashboard and frontend.',
'privateDesc' => 'Used to list data or analytics only for admin users depending on permissions.',
'customCSS' => 'Custom CSS',
'predefinedCssClasses' => 'Predefined CSS Classes',
'customHome' => 'Home Page',
'customHomeSettings' => 'Home Page Settings for this group users',
'defaultPage' => 'Default Page',
'customPage' => 'Custom Page',
'welcomeDetails' => 'Page Details',
'welcomeLinks' => 'Custom Links',
'addNewLink' => 'New Link',
'link' => 'URL',
'linkTarget' => 'Target',
'linkTargetBlank' => 'Blank Tab',
'linkTargetParent' => 'Same Tab',
'completeLinkDetails' => 'Complete link details to continue',
'ordering' => 'Ordering',
'editLink' => 'Edit Link',
'websiteNotificationEmail4' => 'Send me an email on update of data table',
'websiteNotificationEmail5' => 'Send me an email on update of private data',
'all' => 'All',
'viewPermission' => 'View Permission',
'topicsStatus' => 'Topic Status after add & update',
'websiteClosedForVisitors' => 'The site is currently closed to visitors ,,, you can preview it only because you are logged in as the site administrator',
'homeRow_4' => 'Home Page Contents ROW 4',
'calendarFirstDay' => 'First Day of week',
'dateFormat' => 'Date format',
'daysName' =>
array (
0 => 'Sunday',
1 => 'Monday',
2 => 'Tuesday',
3 => 'Wednesday',
4 => 'Thursday',
5 => 'Friday',
6 => 'Saturday',
'publicForm' => 'Public Form',
'publicFormDesc' => 'Create a public form page to collect information from site visitors.',
'pageCustomForm' => 'Custom Form',
'select' => 'Select',
'fileManager' => 'File Manager',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'submitDone' => 'Data has been sent successfully, Thank you!',
'textEditor' => 'Text Editor',
'textEditorDetails' => 'Choose the Text Editor you are preferred for page details editing',
@LwBee Strong Bypass
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